Susannah goes to Spain

Costume Symposium UK founder Susannah Buxton has been invited to join the Honour Committee of Spain Hat Week, along with acclaimed Spanish designers and the committee’s president, British milliner Stephen Jones.

Spain Hat Week is a millinery festival that welcomes hat and fashion designers, millinery supply companies, fashion school students, experts in fashion communication, social media and brand marketing, as well as the wider community, to promote the art of millinery and the hat designers who define current trends on the catwalk, in street style and stage costumes.

The event will be held in Almagro, Spain, from 4 to 7 March 2021, and will consist of conferences, talks, masterclasses and workshops dealing with millinery-related topics including technological innovation, artisan production, ready-to-wear, and business viability and marketing.

Spain Hat Week is organised by ANDISE, the Association of New Millinery Designers of Spain, a non-profit organisation whose main purpose is to promote and disseminate information about Spanish millinery.